Jammu & Kashmir once known as the ’Paradise on Earth’ has over the last three decades evolved into a land of violence and hatred. The burgeoning unrest into the valley can be attributed to its blurred and murky treatment by the Government of India. I would not blame the terrorism because the trouble makers cant be expected to be the harbingers of peace. They could have been treated in a harsh and attacking manner from the very beginning. The efforts by Indian Army and CRPF in restoring peace to the region, apart from some mishaps or as is discussed the ultra vires use of the powers conferred on them by AFSPA, is commendable.
The root cause of the problem lies in the disputed status of Kashmir from very beginning. I dont know the history in detail but know that during all recent surveys conducted the majority of the people are against the schism theory.
When India is taking into account the view of each and every kashmiri ( whether he wants to stay with India, Pakistan or wants a free Kashmir), despite India’s supporters among them in a clear majority, thus exhibiting the true spirit of democracy, then it is also the responsibility of the secessionists to partake in the various efforts made by the Government of India in this regard such as All Party Meet, sending of delegations and the like.
Why dont we take any legal action against leaders such as Geelani for delivering seditious speeches? The problem is that until and unless we will be to assertive and possessive about J&K, it will all go on like this. Now , China has also started playing Geopolitical games in the issue, (by issuing stapled visas to J&K residents and building rail link to Pakistan via POK) which already makes claims over India’s some part of Arunachal Pradesh.
Finally it is upon us not to politicise the matter and play with the sovereignty of the country but to have a strong stance on this issue, such as; J&K is a part of Indian territory and any attempt by any State to foil the this state of affairs would be considered as an attack on the pride of the nation inviting severing of all its ties with that State.